Legal Tech New York 2016


Non-Sequiturs: 02.01.16

* Fifty-six years ago today, a group of African-American students sat down at the whites only section of a lunch counter. Can you even imagine the BS talking heads and think pieces would spew if that event happened today? [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * University of New Mexico Law School is ranked number 1... for public defenders and prosecutors. [Daily Lobo] * Stanford Law Professor Barbara van Schewick is going after T-Mobile "Binge On" service, which allows users to watch streaming content from approved providers without using their data plan, saying it violates net neutrality. [Tech Times] * Oyez, oyez! Anyone got a million-plus to buy a multimedia history of the Supreme Court? [Wall Street Journal] * All the Iowa caucus coverage making you excited? You'd probably enjoy Wonkette’s Game Of US America Elections: The Game. [Wonkette] * Utah State Senator Todd Weiler wants to do something -- anything, really, -- to stop the terrible moral decline caused by PORN. [Popehat] * Lawyers are stuck in a rat race, and it could kill you. [Law and More] * Get updated on the best in the legal tech world, before the Legaltech conference. [CodeX] * If you're going to be in San Diego for the ABA Midyear Meeting, come out Friday to "Blawgs and Listservs: Legal Publications in the Digital Age" to see Craft Beer Attorney Candace Moon, bankruptcy and fraud litigator Kathy B. Phelps, and our own Joe Patrice discuss the state of legal publishing and social media, with moderator Jordan Maglich of Ponzitracker. [American Bar Association]